Search results for 카 심바-ra 카지노【】Buy

  • Financial help for first home buyers

    Found in Housing and property / Buying or selling a home / Financial help for first home buyers

    You may be able to get government help to buy your first home if you’re a KiwiSaver member, a Kāinga Ora tenant and wish to buy the house that you live in, or are Māori and want to live on your ancestral land.

  • Help with housing and paying rent

    Found in Housing and property / Get financial help with housing / Help with housing and paying rent

    If you’re having trouble finding or affording a stable home, you may be able to get access to low-cost housing or help with accommodation costs.

  • How to get an IRD number

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Get an IRD number / How to get an IRD number

    It’s important to get an IRD number as all your tax, entitlements (like student loan or Working for Families Tax Credits) and personal details are linked to this number.

  • Vehicle licensing and road user charges

    Found in Transport / Keeping a vehicle on the road / Vehicle licensing and road user charges

    To be on the road legally, your car needs to have a current licence. You’ll also need to pay road user charges (RUC) if your vehicle runs on diesel or electricity, or both — including plug-in vehicles that run on petrol.

  • Dog owner fines and offences

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Paying fines / Dog owner fines and offences

    If you do not keep control of your dog, allow a dog into a restricted area or abuse or neglect an animal, you can be fined or sent to prison — and banned from owning dogs in the future.

  • Financial help for people with a disability or illness

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Financial help for people with a disability or illness

    If you have a disability or illness you might be able to get an allowance, subsidy or loan to help with your expenses. Financial assistance is available for all citizens.

  • Income you pay tax on

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Income you pay tax on

    When you pay tax or do a tax return you need to know what to include as income. Check to see what counts as a source of income.

  • Services offered in residential care

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Services offered in residential care

    The services offered by residential care providers can vary. They must tell you about the services they offer and be clear about which ones you must pay extra for.

  • Housing and property

    Found in Housing and property

    Buying, renting, selling, building, rates, renovating, insulation

  • Financial help and benefits if you’re over 65

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Managing your money in retirement / Financial help and benefits if you’re over 65

    Most New Zealanders over 65 can get NZ Super. For lower incomes, you may also be able to get government help to pay for regular costs or unexpected expenses.

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