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  • Retirement age

    Found in Work / Retiring from work / Retirement age

    There is no official retirement age in New Zealand. The common age to retire is 65 when NZ Super and some other pension payments start.

  • Youth benefits

    Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Youth benefits

    Payments for young people aged 16 or 17 who cannot live with their parents, and for young parents aged 16 to 19.

  • Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    Found in Health / Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    You might be able to get money to help with caring for someone at home who has a disability, illness or health problems because of old age.

  • Personal medical alarms

    Found in Health / Help in your home / Personal medical alarms

    Apply for government help to pay for a monitored medical alarm service if you have an ongoing illness, an injury, age-related health problems or you’re a disabled person.

  • Working in NZ for more than 3 months

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Working in NZ for more than 3 months

    Depending on your skills, where you come from, your age and other factors you may be able to work in New Zealand temporarily for more than 3 months.

  • Apply for a child's first passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Get or renew a New Zealand passport / Apply for a child's first passport

    Child passports are for children aged 15 and under. They cost $125 and are valid for 5 years. When a child turns 16, their passport is still valid until it expires or is cancelled.

  • School terms in NZ

    Found in Education / School and college / School terms in NZ

    School terms for New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools — this includes public, integrated and private schools. Dates and times may vary between schools and age groups.

  • Home modifications

    Found in Health / Help in your home / Home modifications

    Improving safety in your home by widening doorways and installing handrails, shower rails, or a ramp, can help you manage more easily if you have an ongoing illness, injury, age-related health problems or you’re a disabled person.

  • Requirements for children

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / Requirements for NZ citizenship / Requirements for children

    Children do not have to meet all the same requirements as adults to get New Zealand citizenship.

  • Who can move into residential care

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Who can move into residential care

    When you can no longer manage in your own home, you can move into a rest home or hospital. Talk to your doctor or other health professionals about the level of care you need.

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