Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness
You might be able to get money to help with caring for someone at home who has a disability, illness or health problems because of old age.
Caring for someone at home
If you’re caring for someone at home you might be able to get help with costs and making changes to your home.
Supported living payment
Supported Living Payment is a payment if you’re caring for someone full time who’d otherwise need hospital-level or residential care. This person cannot be your spouse or partner.
Supported living payment — Work and Income
Carer support subsidy
Carer Support is money towards using a support person to care for someone with a disability, so you can take some time out for yourself. You can use it to pay:
- friends, some family members or neighbours who provide relief care
- an organisation that provides professional relief care, like a rest home.
Whaikaha — Ministry of Disabled People has more information about carer support.
Carer support and respite — Whaikaha — Ministry of Disabled People
Disability allowances
Disability Allowance is a weekly payment to help with regular and ongoing costs, like:
- visits to the doctor or hospital
- medicines
- extra clothing
- travel.
Child Disability Allowance is paid if you’re the main carer of a child or young person with a serious disability.
Child Disability Allowance — Work and Income
Lottery grants
People with disabilities can apply for grants to help pay for:
- vehicles and vehicle modifications
- scooters and other mobility equipment
- communication equipment.
Lottery grants for disabled people
Help modifying a house or car
House Modification Funding helps pay for changes you need to make to your home if you or your child have a disability.
House modification funding — Work and Income
Car Modification Funding is a payment which helps with the cost of buying or modifying a car.
Vehicle modification funding — Work and Income
Other support and advice
Carers New Zealand is a network of carers around the country who can offer support and practical advice.
Community-based services to give carers short-term breaks — also called ‘respite’.
Carer support and respite services — Whaikaha — Ministry of Disabled People
Who to contact for more help
If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.
Department of Internal Affairs
Contact and agency details -
Ministry of Health
Contact and agency details -
Work and Income
Contact and agency details