Search results for 블랙 카지노【】CON

  • Consumer laws

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Consumer laws

    Find out what laws protect you when buying from, or sharing your information with, businesses selling in New Zealand and online.

  • Your consumer rights

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Your consumer rights

    You have the right to complain if something you’ve bought does not work, a service has not achieved the result that was agreed, something has not been delivered on time, or you've been misled by an advert.

  • content design

    Found in About this website / content design follows best-practice advice on how to write for government digital channels.

  • Contact details by topic

    Found in Contact details by topic

    If you’re unsure who to contact, use the list below to work out which government organisation could help with your question.

  • Contact the Citizenship Office

    Found in Government A-Z / Department of Internal Affairs / Citizenship contact information / Contact the Citizenship Office

    Check the progress of your application: To check the progress of your application, click on the link below. Select 'Continue saved application', then log in using RealMe.

  • Convert your overseas driver licence

    Found in Transport / Driver licences / Convert your overseas driver licence

    If you have an overseas driver licence and you’ve been in New Zealand more than a year, you need to convert to an NZ driver licence to keep driving here legally.

  • Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    Found in Health / Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    You might be able to get money to help with caring for someone at home who has a disability, illness or health problems because of old age.

  • Copyright and attribution

    Found in Using this website / Copyright and attribution

    Nearly all content is licensed under Creative Commons. This means you must make it clear that any content you use comes from the website and is owned by the Crown.

  • What you can and cannot bring with you into New Zealand

    Found in Immigration and visas / Bringing things into New Zealand / What you can and cannot bring with you into New Zealand

    There are biosecurity and customs rules about what you can and cannot bring into New Zealand.

  • Prescription charges

    Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Prescription charges

    You pay a contribution to the cost of the medicines prescribed by your doctor — currently this is $5 for most items. If your medicine is not fully subsidised, you might have to pay more.

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