Search results for 포커 7【】got

  • Before you travel

    Found in Leaving NZ / Before you travel

    Avoid surprises — before you go, find and check your passport, pay your fines and check if there are any special travel requirements for the countries you’re visiting.

  • School fees and donations

    Found in Education / School and college / School fees and donations

    It’s free to go to a state school — but the school can ask for donations towards their running costs.

  • Emergency help when you’re overseas

    Found in Leaving NZ / Emergency help when you’re overseas

    NZ Embassies can help you if something goes wrong while you’re outside NZ.

  • Help for children with learning support needs

    Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Help for children with learning support needs

    Funding, services and support available to help children with disabilities and learning support needs go to mainstream schools.

  • Selling your house

    Found in Housing and property / Buying or selling a home / Selling your house

    Selling your house or rental property is a big decision. Find out what’s involved and how to go about it.

  • Child custody

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Child custody

    If your relationship ends, you need to try to resolve child custody arrangements yourselves before you can go to court.

  • Disputes when buying a car

    Found in Transport / Buying a vehicle / Disputes when buying a car

    If you've bought a vehicle and something goes wrong, your rights depend on if you bought it from a motor vehicle trader or privately.

  • Urgent admission to a residential care facility

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Moving into residential care / Urgent admission to a residential care facility

    Even if your need is urgent, you can only move into your preferred rest home or hospital if it has a suitable vacancy.

  • Apply for a Residential Care Loan

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Paying for residential care / Apply for a Residential Care Loan

    A Residential Care Loan is an interest-free loan paid directly to your rest home or hospital to help cover the cost of your care. You might be able to get the loan if most of your money is tied up in your house, or you have limited assets.

  • Apply for a Residential Care Subsidy

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Paying for residential care / Apply for a Residential Care Subsidy

    The Residential Care Subsidy helps with the cost of your long-term care and is paid directly to your rest home or hospital. You’ll need to have your care needs, and then your finances, assessed.

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