Search results for ag 바카라【】va3

  • Taking unpaid leave

    Found in Work / Annual holidays / Taking unpaid leave

    You can take unpaid leave if your employer agrees to it. The agreement should be recorded in writing.

  • How to make a complaint

    Found in Engaging with government / Complain about a government department / How to make a complaint

    If you think you’ve been treated unfairly by a central or local government agency, you can make a complaint.

  • Youth benefits

    Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Youth benefits

    Payments for young people aged 16 or 17 who cannot live with their parents, and for young parents aged 16 to 19.

  • When you get a job offer

    Found in Work / Finding and starting a job / When you get a job offer

    Before you accept a job, you need to agree on your pay, hours and working conditions. You can apply for money to help pay the costs of starting a new job.

  • Complain about a privacy breach

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / How to complain / Complain about a privacy breach

    You can complain if your personal information is being revealed without your agreement or if an organisation refuses to let you see information about you.

  • Personalised ceremonies for civil unions

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / Civil unions / How to have a civil union in NZ / Personalised ceremonies for civil unions

    A personalised ceremony is one you can have anywhere you and your celebrant agree. And you can write your own vows.

  • Buying a used car

    Found in Transport / Buying a vehicle / Buying a used car

    Transfer a vehicle into your name — and check it is not stolen and there’s no money owing against it.

  • Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    Found in Health / Caring for someone with a health condition, injury or illness

    You might be able to get money to help with caring for someone at home who has a disability, illness or health problems because of old age.

  • Working in NZ for more than 3 months

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Working in NZ for more than 3 months

    Depending on your skills, where you come from, your age and other factors you may be able to work in New Zealand temporarily for more than 3 months.

  • Financial help for people with a disability or illness

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Financial help for people with a disability or illness

    If you have a disability or illness you might be able to get an allowance, subsidy or loan to help with your expenses. Financial assistance is available for all citizens.

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