Days in lieu (alternative holidays)
If you work on a public holiday and it’s a day you usually work, you may get a paid day off you can take later. This is usually called an alternative holiday or a day in lieu.
Find out if you get a paid day off
You may get an alternative holiday (day in lieu) when you work on a public holiday. Employment New Zealand lists:
If you’re on call on the public holiday
Whether you get an alternative holiday depends on your call-out arrangement. Employment New Zealand explains when you’ll get an alternative holiday for being on call.
Employees working shifts or on call
If it’s not clear you usually work that day
You need to talk to your employer and agree if it’s a day you usually work — known as an otherwise working day. Employment New Zealand explains what you and your employer must consider.
Taking your alternative holiday
You need to agree with your employer on a day to take off. Employment New Zealand explains when you can take your alternative holiday.
Alternative holidays: Taking an alternative holiday
Getting your alternative holiday paid out
You may be able to swap your alternative holiday for an extra day’s pay.
Alternative holidays — Employment New Zealand
How much pay you get
Your pay will usually be at your normal rate for your alternative holiday.
If you and your employer cannot agree
If you cannot agree, your employer can choose a day for you to take off. Your employer must give you at least 14 days’ notice.
An alternative holiday does not expire — your employer cannot take your alternative holiday away.
Alternative holidays — Employment New Zealand
Who to contact for more help
If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact the following agency.
Employment New Zealand
Contact and agency details
Utility links and page information
Last updated