Search results for 신규슬롯사이트 wow【】gO8

  • Scams

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Scams

    Taking care can help you avoid scams. If you think you’ve been scammed, report it straight away.

  • Check if you are a citizen

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / Proof of citizenship / Check if you are a citizen

    To find out if you are a New Zealand citizen, use the online tool or ask the Citizenship Office.

  • The scope of

    Found in About this website / The scope of

    If you work in government, this guide helps you work out if your information and services should be on this site.

  • Order a marriage certificate

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / Order a marriage certificate

    Your New Zealand marriage certificate is an official record of your marriage. It costs $33 to have it posted to you. You can order your certificate online.

  • Not returning to your job from parental leave

    Found in Work / Parental leave / Not returning to your job from parental leave

    You can decide to leave your job and resign at any time while you’re on parental leave. You just need to give the correct notice and it may affect any holiday pay you’re due.

  • If you travel overseas

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / If you travel overseas

    If you're away from NZ for 26 weeks or less, you may still receive your NZ Superannuation or Veteran's Pension.

  • If you cannot get NZ Superannuation or other benefits

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Managing your money in retirement / If you cannot get NZ Superannuation or other benefits

    If you cannot get any other financial support from the government, you can apply for help with day-to-day living costs and health.

  • Hunting

    Found in Recreation and the environment / Hunting and fishing / Hunting

    Learn about where, what and how you can safely hunt on public conservation land in NZ.

  • Seeing a specialist

    Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Seeing a specialist

    When you see a specialist, you’ll visit a medically trained and registered healthcare professional in that field of medicine. In most cases, you need to visit your General Practitioner (GP) first so they can refer you.

  • Paying back your student loan

    Found in Education / Tertiary education / Paying back your student loan

    Repayments on your student loan depend on how much you earn and whether you’re based in New Zealand or living overseas.

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