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Online safety
Found in Law, crime and justice / Online safety
Find out how to keep your family safe online.
Producing food for sale
Found in Health / Food safety / Producing food for sale
If you’re selling or giving away food, you need to make sure you follow food hygiene regulations.
Daylight saving in NZ
Found in Recreation and the environment / Daylight saving in NZ
In spring, we change our clocks forward 1 hour to New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT). In autumn, we change our clocks back 1 hour to New Zealand Standard Time (NZST).
Food health and safety
Found in Health / Food safety / Food health and safety
How to select, prepare and cook food safely.
Tax on investments and savings
Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Tax on investments and savings
You pay tax on income from all your savings and investments, whether they're in NZ or overseas. Your tax rate is based on your income.
History of daylight saving in NZ
Found in Recreation and the environment / Daylight saving in NZ / History of daylight saving in NZ
New Zealand first introduced daylight saving time in 1927. The current times have been fixed since 2007.
Requirements for Samoan citizens
Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / Requirements for NZ citizenship / Requirements for Samoan citizens
The requirements you need to meet to get New Zealand citizenship depend on when you arrived here or when you were born.
Public attitudes to daylight saving
Found in Recreation and the environment / Daylight saving in NZ / Public attitudes to daylight saving
The 2008 survey found that 82% of New Zealanders approved of the 2007 extension to the period of daylight saving time.
Apply for NZ citizenship if born in Samoa before 1949
Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / Apply for NZ citizenship if born in Samoa before 1949
You can apply for NZ citizenship if you were born in Samoa on or after 13 May 1924 and before 1 January 1949, or if you meet 1 of the other eligibility criteria.
Pay fines for speeding, parking, safety-camera or other infringements
Found in Law, crime and justice / Paying fines / Pay fines for speeding, parking, safety-camera or other infringements
Paying fees and tickets online, what happens if you do not pay on time, and how to dispute them.