Search results for 온라인 슬롯조작【】KAH

  • Help for children with behaviour problems

    Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Help for children with behaviour problems

    Programmes for schools, teachers and parents to help children with behaviour and learning problems.

  • Complain about discrimination

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Human rights in NZ / Complain about discrimination

    Discrimination is illegal — you have the right to complain.

  • Citizenship ceremonies

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / How to apply for NZ citizenship / Citizenship ceremonies

    You are not a citizen until you have made your oath or affirmation at a citizenship ceremony.

  • Te Aho o Te Kahu

    Found in Government A-Z / Te Aho o Te Kahu

    Te Aho o Te Kahu, Cancer Control Agency is a departmental agency reporting to the Minister of Health.

  • No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Found in Engaging with government / No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Zero Data gives you free access to government-sponsored websites. This way, money is not a barrier to getting important services and information.

  • Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission

    Found in Government A-Z / Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission

    The role of the Sport Integrity Commission — Te Kahu Raunui is to ensure sport and recreation in New Zealand is safer and fairer.

  • Criminal Cases Review Commission

    Found in Government A-Z / Criminal Cases Review Commission

    Te Kāhui Tātari Ture — the Criminal Cases Review Commission is an independent Crown entity that employs specialist staff to investigate possible miscarriage of justice cases.

  • Human Rights Commission

    Found in Government A-Z / Human Rights Commission

    They provide information and resolve disputes about unlawful discrimination. You can complain if you've been discriminated against in many areas of public life, including: work education official practice and policy the provision of goods and services.

  • Plant and Food Research

    Found in Government A-Z / Plant and Food Research

    Their research focuses on: breeding controlling pests and disease sustainable production food innovation, and seafood technology.

  • Social Workers Registration Board

    Found in Government A-Z / Social Workers Registration Board

    Their services include: registering new social workers issuing practice certificates renewing practice certificates for social workers already registered competence assessments issuing competence certificates. They also deal with complaints about social workers.

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