Visiting or moving to NZ
Find out about visas for holiday, study or work in New Zealand. Learn about arrival and departure requirements, and how to stay safe and healthy during your visit.
Before you leave
Check you have a valid passport
Before you leave for NZ you must have a valid passport. For example, it must not:
- expire before or close to the date you plan to leave NZ
- be damaged, reported as lost or stolen or be invalidated by the issuing government.
Before you travel to New Zealand — Immigration NZ
Check with your issuing government if you need to renew your passport due to a change in name, gender or appearance.
Apply for a visa or NZeTA
The type of visa you need depends on your reason for visiting NZ and the passport you hold.
Visits to NZ
If you’re visiting NZ for a holiday (vacation), to see friends, for a conference or business you’ll need a visitor visa or NZeTA.
Work, study or live in NZ permanently
Search your visa options
If you do not know what visa you need, check out the different options:
Explore and select a visa — Immigration NZ
Check the conditions of a visa you already have
If you need to check the conditions of your existing visa visit the Immigration NZ website:
Check the conditions of your visa — Immigration NZ
Submit an NZ Traveller declaration (NZTD)
Everyone who arrives in New Zealand must complete an NZTD — unless you’re a transit passenger. The NZTD collects travel, customs, immigration and biosecurity information.
If you use the app or website, you can complete the NZTD within of starting your trip to New Zealand.
Digital declaration —
If you prefer a paper version or cannot complete the declaration online, it will be available on-board your flight to New Zealand.
If you’re transiting NZ
Check if you need a transit visa or an NZeTA on the Immigration NZ website.
Transiting through New Zealand to another country
Transit passengers do not need to complete a NZTD.
Air transit passengers —
Arriving on different types of vessels
Check the Immigration NZ website to see how long you can stay and which travel authority or visa you need if you’re:
Arriving in NZ
Passport control and eGates
When you arrive in New Zealand, Customs will check your passport at an automated gate (eGate) or manually with a border officer.
To learn how and if your passport can be used with an eGate visit the NZ Customs website.
eGate — New Zealand Customs Service
Customs and biosecurity
After you go through passport control and collect your baggage, follow the appropriate lanes through to biosecurity screening.
New Zealand has strict biosecurity rules to keep harmful pests and diseases out of the country. There are some items you must declare if you’re bringing them into NZ.
Bringing things into New Zealand
For more information on what to declare, questioning, screening and baggage search visit the Customs New Zealand website.
COVID-19 and other health requirements
New Zealand’s COVID-19 entry requirements ended on .
This includes the requirement for vaccination, managed isolation and quarantine, pre-departure tests or a COVID-19 declaration.
If you test positive for COVID-19 or are feeling unwell, some airlines may ask that you consider changing your travel plans.
When you apply for certain visas, you may need to show you’re in good health — for example by having a medical examination or X-ray.
Evidence you are in good health — Immigration NZ
If you’re refused entry to New Zealand
If you do not meet the requirements to enter New Zealand, you may be refused entry.
Check the Immigration NZ website for common reasons for refusal and where to get help.
While you’re here
If you become unwell or get injured
If you become unwell after arriving in NZ, contact Healthline on 0800 611 116. If you need to talk to someone in your own language, you can ask for a translator.
If you think you have COVID-19 visit the Health NZ website for help.
COVID-19 — Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
If you get injured while you’re visiting NZ, the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) may be able to help cover some of your costs — you’ll still need travel insurance for what they do not cover.
If you’re a visitor injured in New Zealand — ACC
If you have an emergency or need help
Call 111 if you’re in an emergency.
If you need help from your embassy, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) website to find the contact details of your closest embassy — choose the tab ‘Foreign representatives to New Zealand’ and select your country.
If you’re earning money in New Zealand
You’ll need to pay the right tax, get an IRD number and send or approve an end-of-year tax return.
I am coming to work or study in New Zealand — IRD
Check the status of your visa or NZeTA
Depending on your situation, you can check, on the Immigration NZ website, the status of your:
- visa application — for example, if you’ve applied for an extension or different visa.
Leaving NZ
When you must leave NZ
You must leave NZ before your visa expires. If your visa has expired or you need to stay longer in NZ, learn what you need to do on the Immigration NZ website.
If you do not leave New Zealand before your visa expires
Requirements before you leave NZ
Before you leave NZ you may need to:
- check the entry requirements of the next country you’re travelling to
- complete a report if you’re carrying NZ$10,000 or more in cash or foreign equivalent
- pay any outstanding fines
- check any items you cannot take out of NZ.
More information — New Zealand Customs Service
What to expect at the airport
The process when leaving NZ may differ from when you arrived, including the security screening and baggage requirements.
What to expect at the airport — Aviation Security Service
Check the busiest times for security screening so you can arrive at the airport earlier than usual — to allow extra time, in case of queues and longer wait times.
Anticipated peak times at security screening — Aviation Security Service