Search results for 호화 카지노 $500 무료【】12H

  • Make a complaint about food poisoning

    Found in Health / Food safety / Make a complaint about food poisoning

    500 New Zealanders a day get food poisoning. It’s a serious risk if you’re sick, pregnant, very young or elderly.

  • Food health and safety

    Found in Health / Food safety / Food health and safety

    How to select, prepare and cook food safely.

  • Dog owner fines and offences

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Paying fines / Dog owner fines and offences

    If you do not keep control of your dog, allow a dog into a restricted area or abuse or neglect an animal, you can be fined or sent to prison — and banned from owning dogs in the future.

  • Legal help when being harassed

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Abuse, harassment and domestic violence / Legal help when being harassed

    If you're being harassed by someone you're not in a relationship with, you can apply for a restraining order.

  • Promotional tiles

    Found in About this website / Promotional tiles

    The promo tiles on link to timely or new information. See how to request a tile for your new service or tool.

  • Promotional tiles

    Found in About this website / Promotional tiles

    The promo tiles on link to timely or new information. See how to request a tile for your new service or tool.

  • Income you pay tax on

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Income you pay tax on

    When you pay tax or do a tax return you need to know what to include as income. Check to see what counts as a source of income.

  • Tax on investments and savings

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Tax on investments and savings

    You pay tax on income from all your savings and investments, whether they're in NZ or overseas. Your tax rate is based on your income.

  • Work that leads to residence

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Work that leads to residence

    If you’re 55 or younger and want to live in New Zealand (NZ) permanently, you can apply for a resident visa, or a work visa that leads to residence after working here for 2 years.

  • Visas for workers from specific countries

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Visas for workers from specific countries

    New Zealand has special arrangements with some countries to let their citizens work here. Some visas recognise your skills and experience, while others let you learn out about our lifestyle and culture.

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