Search results for 베스트 카지노-on 카지노【】POr

  • Tax on investments and savings

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Tax on investments and savings

    You pay tax on income from all your savings and investments, whether they're in NZ or overseas. Your tax rate is based on your income.

  • No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Found in Engaging with government / No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Zero Data gives you free access to government-sponsored websites. This way, money is not a barrier to getting important services and information.

  • Lottery grants for disabled people

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Lottery grants for disabled people

    Grants funded by Lotto help to pay for equipment for disabled people who want to be more closely involved in their communities.

  • Accessibility tips for using this website

    Found in About this website / Accessibility statement / Accessibility tips for using this website

    Navigate our website with browser functions, assistive technology, keyboard shortcuts and more.

  • Tupu Tonu — Ngāpuhi Investment Fund

    Found in Government A-Z / Tupu Tonu — Ngāpuhi Investment Fund

    The Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited, with Tupu Tonu as its trading name, was established by the Crown in December 2020 as part of Crown efforts to: restore its relationship with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi help ngā hapū meet their economic aspirations for the future.

  • Maritime New Zealand

    Found in Government A-Z / Maritime New Zealand

    They're responsible for: developing and monitoring maritime safety rules and marine protection rules certifying seafarers and registering ships conducting safety inspections of all NZ and foreign-flagged ships calling at NZ ports investigating and analysing maritime accidents and accident trends promoting safe recreational boating on NZ’s seas, rivers and lakes educating the maritime community about best practice…

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