Search results for 실시간 바둑이【】NOT

  • Prescription subsidy scheme

    Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Prescription subsidy scheme

    If you’ve paid for 20 prescriptions in a year (from 1 February), you do not have to pay any more prescription charges for the rest of that year (to 31 January)

  • If you’re fired or unfairly dismissed

    Found in Work / Workers’ rights / If you’re fired or unfairly dismissed

    If the process to fire you has not been handled properly or the reason you’ve been fired is not valid, you can raise a personal grievance with your employer.

  • Separating from your spouse or partner

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Separating from your spouse or partner

    You do not have to do anything official when you separate from your partner, but a separation agreement or separation order can help to keep things clear.

  • Getting married overseas

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / Getting married overseas

    If you’re getting married or having a civil union overseas, you usually do not need to do anything in NZ beforehand — check with the country’s officials if you need to do anything there.

  • Choose the gender on your citizenship record

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Changing your gender / Choose the gender on your citizenship record

    If your gender is different to the one on your birth certificate, you can ask for your citizenship certificate to show your new gender (if you have not yet applied for citizenship), or request an evidentiary certificate (if you have been granted citizenship).

  • Your consumer rights

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Your consumer rights

    You have the right to complain if something you’ve bought does not work, a service has not achieved the result that was agreed, something has not been delivered on time, or you've been misled by an advert.

  • Leaving children by themselves

    Found in Family and whānau / Childcare and supervision / Leaving children by themselves

    You can leave a child under 14 at home or in another place if you’ve made reasonable provisions to have them supervised and cared for safely, and they’re not left for a long time.

  • PlunketLine

    Found in Health / Free health services for children / PlunketLine

    Phone 0800 933 922 to get advice about child health and parenting.

  • Complain about something you bought

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / How to complain / Complain about something you bought

    If you buy products that do not work like they’re meant to, are faulty, or have not arrived in time or in acceptable condition, the Consumer Guarantees Act gives you the right to claim a refund, repair or replacement.

  • Noisy neighbours

    Found in Housing and property / Neighbourhood problems / Noisy neighbours

    Try asking your neighbours to be quiet if they're making too much noise. You can also complain to their landlord or the council.

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