Search results for 한국 no 1 온라인 카지노-cu 카지노 먹튀【】

  • Selling a vehicle

    Found in Transport / Selling a vehicle

    If you’re selling a vehicle it must have a warrant of fitness (WoF) issued no more than 1 month before the date you hand the vehicle over to the buyer.

  • Get celebrant training, support and information

    Found in Government A-Z / Births, Deaths and Marriages / Information for marriage celebrants / Get celebrant training, support and information

    Celebrants can get support and information, and opportunities for professional development.

  • Register as a citizen by descent and get a passport

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / Register as a citizen by descent and get a passport

    If you are a citizen by descent, you must register your citizenship before you can get a New Zealand passport.

  • Family violence leave

    Found in Work / Family violence leave

    If you, or a child in your care, are affected by domestic and family violence, you can ask your employer for paid family violence leave and flexible working arrangements.

  • Contact details by topic

    Found in Contact details by topic

    If you’re unsure who to contact, use the list below to work out which government organisation could help with your question.

  • In New Zealand

    Found in Government A-Z / Births, Deaths and Marriages / Births, Deaths and Marriages contact information / In New Zealand

    If you have a question about a Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) order or need advice, our kaimahi are here to help.

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