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  • Help for children with learning support needs

    Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Help for children with learning support needs

    Funding, services and support available to help children with disabilities and learning support needs go to mainstream schools.

  • Selling your house

    Found in Housing and property / Buying or selling a home / Selling your house

    Selling your house or rental property is a big decision. Find out what’s involved and how to go about it.

  • Child custody

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Child custody

    If your relationship ends, you need to try to resolve child custody arrangements yourselves before you can go to court.

  • Disputes when buying a car

    Found in Transport / Buying a vehicle / Disputes when buying a car

    If you've bought a vehicle and something goes wrong, your rights depend on if you bought it from a motor vehicle trader or privately.

  • Before you travel

    Found in Leaving NZ / Before you travel

    Avoid surprises — before you go, find and check your passport, pay your fines and check if there are any special travel requirements for the countries you’re visiting.

  • Get a non-disclosure direction

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Proving and protecting your identity / Access to your birth, marriage and name change records / Get a non-disclosure direction

    You can block access to your birth, marriage, civil union and name change records if your safety is at risk.

  • Bullying

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Abuse, harassment and domestic violence / Bullying

    Bullying is a form of aggressive or threatening behaviour — either at school, in the workplace or in the wider community.

  • How government works

    Found in Engaging with government / How government works

    The Government is formed after a democratic election held every 3 years.

  • Your Admission Agreement and care plan

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Moving into residential care / Your Admission Agreement and care plan

    When you move into a rest home or hospital you sign an Admission Agreement. This contract has information about your rights and responsibilities. Your Care Plan is the other important document that’s prepared for you.

  • When you get a flatmate in your own house

    Found in Housing and property / Renting and flatting / When you get a flatmate in your own house

    If you own a house, you can get people to occupy the spare bedrooms and help with the bills.

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