Search results for 슬롯나라 id【】WiP

  • Scams

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Scams

    Taking care can help you avoid scams. If you think you’ve been scammed, report it straight away.

  • Job hunting

    Found in Work / Finding and starting a job / Job hunting

    Discover jobs that would suit you, find and apply for vacancies, and prepare for interviews.

  • Dog owner fines and offences

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Paying fines / Dog owner fines and offences

    If you do not keep control of your dog, allow a dog into a restricted area or abuse or neglect an animal, you can be fined or sent to prison — and banned from owning dogs in the future.

  • Maintaining your house and garden

    Found in Health / Help in your home / Maintaining your house and garden

    You may qualify for help with cleaning your home, doing the laundry, buying essential appliances, mowing the lawn, weeding the garden and getting essential home maintenance tasks done. Find out how to get these home support services and if you qualify.

  • Copyright and attribution

    Found in Using this website / Copyright and attribution

    Nearly all content is licensed under Creative Commons. This means you must make it clear that any content you use comes from the website and is owned by the Crown.

  • Bringing pets into New Zealand

    Found in Immigration and visas / Bringing things into New Zealand / Bringing pets into New Zealand

    You can bring your pet here, but they must meet specific health standards. These change, depending on the country your pet is coming from.

  • Complain about a marriage or civil union celebrant

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / Complain about a marriage or civil union celebrant

    If you have a serious problem with a marriage or civil union celebrant not performing their legal duties before, during or after your ceremony, you can make a formal complaint about them.

  • Order a birth certificate

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Proving and protecting your identity / Order a birth certificate

    New Zealand birth certificates are a record of birth. You can order a birth certificate online. It costs $33 for a standard certificate.

  • Privacy notice for

    Found in Using this website / Privacy notice for

    This notice explains how and when collects personal information, what we do with it and your right to see or change it.

  • What counts as income for benefits

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Benefits and allowances / What counts as income for benefits

    When you apply to Work and Income for a benefit or allowance, and while you’re receiving it, you need to tell them if you get other income — either regular payments or a one-off.

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