Consultations listing
You can give local and central government feedback on their plans before they make decisions.
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Commercial fishers landing exception for legal-size Bluff oysters
Fisheries New Zealand is proposing an exception to allow commercial fishers to return Bluff oysters that are above the minimum legal size to the sea. Consultation is open from 15 January to 12 February 2025.
Commercial fishers landing exception for legal-size pāua
Fisheries New Zealand is assessing whether a commercial landing exception should be provided for hand-gathered pāua (blackfoot and yellowfoot) that are above the minimum legal size. This would allow commercial fishers to return legal-size pāua to the sea based on an acceptable likelihood of survival. Consultation is open from 15 January to 12 February 2025.
Can section CB 3 apply to amounts derived from the disposal of land?
This question we’ve been asked considers whether s CB 3 of the Income Tax Act 2007 can apply to amounts derived from the disposal of land. Section CB 3 provides that an amount derived from an undertaking or scheme for the purpose of making a profit is income of a person.
Draft Animal Products Notice: Dairy Preparedness and Response: Foot and Mouth Disease Incursion (Regulated Control Scheme)
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is seeking feedback on a proposed Animal Products Notice: Dairy Preparedness and Response: Foot and Mouth Disease Incursion (Regulated Control Scheme). The purpose of the Notice is to enable a regulated control scheme for dairy processors for export, so that processors can maintain business continuity with a high level of assurance in the event of an incursion of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV).
PUB00493 - Income tax and GST – industries other than forestry registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme
This interpretation statement applies to industries registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme, other than forestry which is taxed differently. The statement sets out the conceptual framework for the income tax treatment of emission liabilities and emissions units (NZUs) in these sectors. It then explains how to calculate deductions for emission liabilities and it discusses the treatment of NZUs as income. Finally, there is a brief discussion of the GST treatment of NZUs. For a discussion on forestry activities registered in the ETS see PUB00452: Income Tax and GST – forestry activities registered in the Emissions Trading Scheme.
ED0263: Cash collateral is “money lent”
This draft Operational Statement outlines a change of view by the Commissioner on whether cash collateral provided as part of security lending and derivative transactions is “money lent” and the resident and non-resident withholding tax obligations on interest payable on the cash collateral.
Proposed changes to the import health standard for importing cats and dogs
From 13 January to 13 March 2025, the Ministry for Primary Industries invites comment on proposed changes to the Cat and Dog Import Health Standard (CATSDOGS.GEN).
Proposed changes to the import health standard for bovine germplasm
From 15 January to 15 March 2025, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) invites comment on proposed changes to the Bovine Germplasm Import Health Standard (IHS). The standard currently covers import conditions for bovine semen and bovine in vivo derived embryos. We are proposing an amendment to expand the scope to include bovine in vitro produced embryos in response to interest from importers and market trends. We are also proposing some minor updates to the existing import conditions for bovine semen and bovine in vivo derived embryos to align with WOAH (World Organisation for Animal Health) recommendations and provide more clarity.
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