Search results for zet 슬롯-sa 슬롯【】WOn

  • Scams

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Scams

    Taking care can help you avoid scams. If you think you’ve been scammed, report it straight away.

  • Complain about a privacy breach

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / How to complain / Complain about a privacy breach

    You can complain if your personal information is being revealed without your agreement or if an organisation refuses to let you see information about you.

  • Complain about a marriage or civil union celebrant

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / Complain about a marriage or civil union celebrant

    If you have a serious problem with a marriage or civil union celebrant not performing their legal duties before, during or after your ceremony, you can make a formal complaint about them.

  • Having a baby

    Found in Family and whānau / Having a baby

    Choose a midwife and find out about paid parental leave, antenatal classes and health tests.

  • Re-using content and data

    Found in About this website / Re-using content and data

    The API (application programming interface) is available for anyone who wants to reuse content from It lets you access data on demand, in a format that makes the data easy to re-use.

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