Search results for 슬롯머신 bar【】pz5

  • No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Found in Engaging with government / No data on your phone — access government-sponsored websites for free

    Zero Data gives you free access to government-sponsored websites. This way, money is not a barrier to getting important services and information.

  • Dog owner fines and offences

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Paying fines / Dog owner fines and offences

    If you do not keep control of your dog, allow a dog into a restricted area or abuse or neglect an animal, you can be fined or sent to prison — and banned from owning dogs in the future.

  • Dog problems and complaints

    Found in Housing and property / Neighbourhood problems / Dog problems and complaints

    If you're having problems with a dog, you can speak to the dog's owner. Otherwise you can speak to your local council.

  • Fines, penalties and losing your licence

    Found in Transport / Driving fines and penalties / Fines, penalties and losing your licence

    You must follow the road rules for your safety and the safety of others when you drive. If you do not, you can be fined or have your driver licence or car taken off you.

  • Relationship counselling

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Relationship counselling

    Find a counsellor in your local area.

  • Feedback about the website

    Found in About this website / Feedback about the website

    Ask a question about the website, suggest an improvement to the website, or report a problem about the website to the team.

  • Your consumer rights

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Your consumer rights

    You have the right to complain if something you’ve bought does not work, a service has not achieved the result that was agreed, something has not been delivered on time, or you've been misled by an advert.

  • Accessibility statement

    Found in About this website / Accessibility statement

    The current state of accessibility on and how improvements are being made.

  • Telling someone about your criminal record

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Telling someone about your criminal record

    There are details of your criminal record that you need to provide if asked — for example, when applying for a visa to travel overseas.

  • Fishing

    Found in Recreation and the environment / Hunting and fishing / Fishing

    You need to obey some laws and regulations — these can depend on where and what you’re fishing.

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