Search results for 메가슬롯 사이트【】iNv

  • Tax on investments and savings

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Tax on investments and savings

    You pay tax on income from all your savings and investments, whether they're in NZ or overseas. Your tax rate is based on your income.

  • Child abuse

    Found in Law, crime and justice / Abuse, harassment and domestic violence / Child abuse

    If you're worried a child is being abused, please report your suspicions so authorities can investigate.

  • Selling your house

    Found in Housing and property / Buying or selling a home / Selling your house

    Selling your house or rental property is a big decision. Find out what’s involved and how to go about it.

  • Lottery grants for disabled people

    Found in Health / Financial help and services / Lottery grants for disabled people

    Grants funded by Lotto help to pay for equipment for disabled people who want to be more closely involved in their communities.

  • Get an IRD number for a business, charity or trust

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Get an IRD number / Get an IRD number for a business, charity or trust

    If you’re starting an organisation that will involve money changing hands, it’ll need its own IRD number.

  • Changing your tax code

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Tax / Changing your tax code

    If you start or stop work, remember that you may need to change the tax code you use for any other sources of income, such as NZ Superannuation, investments or another job.

  • Work that leads to residence

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Work that leads to residence

    If you’re 55 or younger and want to live in New Zealand (NZ) permanently, you can apply for a resident visa, or a work visa that leads to residence after working here for 2 years.

  • Health requirements for a student visa

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a New Zealand student visa / Before you apply for a student visa / Health requirements for a student visa

    You need to be healthy to get a student visa in NZ. Depending on where you're from and how long you want to stay, you may need to provide health certificates with your application.

  • Changing your study plans

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a New Zealand student visa / Changing your study plans

    If you want to change what or where you're studying, you will need to apply for a variation of conditions to your current visa or get a new visa.

  • Visas for workers from specific countries

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Visas for workers from specific countries

    New Zealand has special arrangements with some countries to let their citizens work here. Some visas recognise your skills and experience, while others let you learn out about our lifestyle and culture.

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