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  • NZ citizenship if you are adopted

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / NZ citizenship if you are adopted

    If you were born and adopted in New Zealand you are likely to be a New Zealand citizen. If you were born or adopted outside New Zealand, you might be a citizen — if not, you may be able to apply to become one.

  • Privacy notice for

    Found in Using this website / Privacy notice for

    This notice explains how and when collects personal information, what we do with it and your right to see or change it.

  • Change the registered sex on your birth certificate

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Changing your gender / Change the registered sex on your birth certificate

    To change the sex marker on your birth certificate, you must complete a statutory declaration and apply to Births, Deaths and Marriages.

  • Law Commission

    Found in Government A-Z / Law Commission

    They are a research-based organisation.

  • Law, crime and justice

    Found in Law, crime and justice

    Statutory declarations, pay a fine, human rights, criminal records

  • Crown Law Office

    Found in Government A-Z / Crown Law Office

    Their role is to: represent the Government in court advise the Government about the law make sure government policy is done legally make sure the operations of the executive government are done according to the law.

  • Legislation Design and Advisory Committee

    Found in Government A-Z / Legislation Design and Advisory Committee

    Their role is to help improve the quality of law making. They: set, publish and update guidelines on law design and content advise departments early on in creating policy and laws check and make submissions on Bills presented to Parliament.

  • Commerce Commission

    Found in Government A-Z / Commerce Commission

    They enforce laws that promote competition and protect consumers in New Zealand. This includes laws that prohibit misleading and deceptive conduct by traders, and protect consumers when they borrow money or buy goods on credit.

  • New Zealand Police

    Found in Government A-Z / New Zealand Police

    They: maintain law and order detect and apprehend offenders work to prevent crime before it happens build safer communities.

  • Strategic Planning Reform Board

    Found in Government A-Z / Strategic Planning Reform Board

    The Strategic Planning Reform Board oversees work on the Strategic Planning Act — 1 of 3 proposed laws replacing the Resource Management Act (RMA) 1991. RMA to be repealed and replaced — The Beehive

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