Search results for 인싸 홀덤【】BEt

  • Feedback about the website

    Found in About this website / Feedback about the website

    Ask a question about the website, suggest an improvement to the website, or report a problem about the website to the team.

  • When you get a flatmate in your own house

    Found in Housing and property / Renting and flatting / When you get a flatmate in your own house

    If you own a house, you can get people to occupy the spare bedrooms and help with the bills.

  • Child custody

    Found in Family and whānau / Separating or getting divorced / Child custody

    If your relationship ends, you need to try to resolve child custody arrangements yourselves before you can go to court.

  • Transfer to a different residential care facility

    Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Moving into residential care / Transfer to a different residential care facility

    You can transfer to another residential care facility if you want to. Or you may have to transfer if the level of care you need has changed.

  • Free health checks for children under 14

    Found in Health / Free health services for children / Free health checks for children under 14

    Your child’s health will be checked regularly while they grow.

  • School zones, reviews and equity funding

    Found in Education / School and college / School zones, reviews and equity funding

    Find out if you live in a school’s zone, how the school is performing and what level of equity funding it gets based on the Equity Index.

  • Borrowing against the value of your home

    Found in Housing and property / Borrowing against the value of your home

    If you own a home, you may be able to borrow money if you’ve paid off enough of your loan. The type of loan you get depends on your circumstances.

  • Get information in an emergency or disaster

    Found in Government A-Z / National Emergency Management Agency / Get information in an emergency or disaster

    In New Zealand, you can get help before, during and after an emergency or disaster from the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management and local Civil Defence Emergency Management groups.

  • If you live overseas now

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / If you live overseas now

    If you live overseas, you may be able to keep getting some or all of your New Zealand Superannuation or Veteran’s Pension.

  • Your consumer rights

    Found in Consumer rights and complaints / Your consumer rights

    You have the right to complain if something you’ve bought does not work, a service has not achieved the result that was agreed, something has not been delivered on time, or you've been misled by an advert.

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