Search results for 골든 카지노【】sEC

  • Use RealMe to prove your identity online

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Proving and protecting your identity / Use RealMe to prove your identity online

    Use RealMe to prove who you are online and securely access many government and private sector services online.

  • Seeing a specialist

    Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Seeing a specialist

    When you see a specialist, you’ll visit a medically trained and registered healthcare professional in that field of medicine. In most cases, you need to visit your General Practitioner (GP) first so they can refer you.

  • Access to your birth, marriage and name change records

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / Proving and protecting your identity / Access to your birth, marriage and name change records

    Birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change records are a public register — anyone can generally request copies of someone's information. You can see who's accessed your records since 2009 or block access to them if your safety is at risk.

  • Payment dates for NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / Payment dates for NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension

    NZ Super and Veteran’s Pension payments are made every second Tuesday. If there’s a public holiday, payments are made earlier.

  • School terms in NZ

    Found in Education / School and college / School terms in NZ

    School terms for New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools — this includes public, integrated and private schools. Dates and times may vary between schools and age groups.

  • Registry ceremonies

    Found in Family and whānau / Getting married / How to get married in NZ / Registry ceremonies

    A registry ceremony has standard vows and must take place during business hours on a weekday (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday). You cannot hold the ceremony on a public holiday. You must pay $150 for the marriage licence and a set fee of $90 for the ceremony, which you pay to the celebrant in advance. You should contact your celebrant before you apply for a marriage licence to make sure they will be available.

  • If you lived or worked overseas

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / If you lived or worked overseas

    If you lived or worked in another country you may be able to get their social security pension. When you apply for NZ Superannuation or the Veteran's Pension, apply for these pensions at the same time.

  • Accessibility tips for using this website

    Found in About this website / Accessibility statement / Accessibility tips for using this website

    Navigate our website with browser functions, assistive technology, keyboard shortcuts and more.

  • Buying a used car

    Found in Transport / Buying a vehicle / Buying a used car

    Transfer a vehicle into your name — and check it is not stolen and there’s no money owing against it.

  • Job hunting

    Found in Work / Finding and starting a job / Job hunting

    Discover jobs that would suit you, find and apply for vacancies, and prepare for interviews.

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