Search results for 와일드 슬롯-s 카지노【】aGE

  • Income after you turn 65

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / Managing your money in retirement / Income after you turn 65

    Most people get NZ Superannuation when they turn 65, but there are other sources of income you might use to support yourself. These can affect the tax you pay or benefits you can apply for.

  • If you lived or worked overseas

    Found in Tax, benefits and finance / New Zealand Superannuation and the Veteran's Pension / If you lived or worked overseas

    If you lived or worked in another country you may be able to get their social security pension. When you apply for NZ Superannuation or the Veteran's Pension, apply for these pensions at the same time.

  • Help with day-to-day personal care

    Found in Health / Help in your home / Help with day-to-day personal care

    Help from a carer and assistive equipment could make tasks such as showering, dressing and using a toilet much safer for you. Find out what government help you may qualify for.

  • Work that leads to residence

    Found in Immigration and visas / Get a visa to work in NZ / Work that leads to residence

    If you’re 55 or younger and want to live in New Zealand (NZ) permanently, you can apply for a resident visa, or a work visa that leads to residence after working here for 2 years.

  • Privacy notice for

    Found in Using this website / Privacy notice for

    This notice explains how and when collects personal information, what we do with it and your right to see or change it.

  • What to get ready before you apply for NZ citizenship

    Found in Passports, citizenship and identity / New Zealand citizenship / How to apply for NZ citizenship / What to get ready before you apply for NZ citizenship

    Get your photo and documents ready before starting your citizenship application. You will also need an identity referee (if you are applying online) or a witness (if you are applying in person or by post).

  • Terms: 10-18

    Found in Terms: 10-18

    10. Overview of the Operational Protocols The Operational Protocols will contain more detailed operational information than is possible in this Agreement.

  • Social Investment Agency

    Found in Government A-Z / Social Investment Agency

    The Social Investment Agency seek to improve outcomes for people through the systematic, consistent, and rigorous use of data and evidence to invest earlier and more effectively.

  • National Emergency Management Agency

    Found in Government A-Z / National Emergency Management Agency

    The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) provides strong, national leadership to create an emergency management system that reduces the impact of emergencies. NEMA works with central and local government, communities, iwi, and business to make sure responses to and recoveries from emergencies are effective and integrated.

  • New Zealand Transport Agency

    Found in Government A-Z / New Zealand Transport Agency

    Their work spans everything from influencing development of the national transport system to promoting road safety, managing the state highway, and licensing drivers and vehicles.

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