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Help paying for childcare
Found in Family and whānau / Childcare and supervision / Help paying for childcare
Depending on how much you earn and how old your children are, your family may be able to get help with the cost of childcare.
Nursing and medical help at home
Found in Health / Help in your home / Nursing and medical help at home
A nurse or other health professionals may visit you at home to help with your medications and medical needs. Learn more about these services and if you qualify.
Help for partners staying at home
Found in Health / Rest homes and residential care / Help for partners staying at home
If your partner moves into a rest home or hospital, you can get financial help to stay in your home, look after your own health and visit your partner.
Help for victims of crime
Found in Law, crime and justice / Crimes and emergencies / Help for victims of crime
If you or someone you care about is the victim of a crime, there's support and help available.
Government help with dental costs
Found in Health / Doctors, dentists and prescriptions / Government help with dental costs
Basic dental services are free until you’re 18. If you need dental care after 18, and you’re on a low income or have a disability, illness or injury, you can apply for government help.
Help for children with behaviour problems
Found in Education / Learning support (special education) / Help for children with behaviour problems
Programmes for schools, teachers and parents to help children with behaviour and learning problems.
Help when you’re raising children
Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Help when you’re raising children
You may be able to get financial help for your family, even if you’re working or looking after a child that’s not your own.
Emergency help when you’re overseas
Found in Leaving NZ / Emergency help when you’re overseas
NZ Embassies can help you if something goes wrong while you’re outside NZ.
Getting help with your budget
Found in Family and whānau / Financial help for your family / Getting help with your budget
There are community services that can help you manage your finances.
Help with housing and paying rent
Found in Housing and property / Get financial help with housing / Help with housing and paying rent
If you’re having trouble finding or affording a stable home, you may be able to get access to low-cost housing or help with accommodation costs.