*** Transcriber's Note: Please set your voice synthesiser to read most punctuation. When you encounter the caret sign (^) at the end of a line, please enter the applicable information, if necessary. *** Department of Internal Affairs – Te Tari Taiwhenua BDM515 Application for Appointment as Approved Marriage Celebrant Good character Last updated 09 November 2023 Two referees are required. Both referees must be over 16 years old and be from outside your organisation. Referees cannot be family members. Applicants details Your current full name ^ A person outside the organisation, other than a family member, who is over 16 years of age, must complete and sign I, Referee's full name ^ have known the applicant for Number of years ^ years and declare that they are a person of good character. I fully support their application to be a marriage celebrant. Referee's signature ^ Date signed (dd/mm/yyyy) ^ Referees contact information Daytime phone number or email address ^